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May - We're Moving!

Miss Alexa turned 7 and asked for a Greatest Showman circus party.  We brought home the big popcorn machine at my work and ate cotton candy and peanuts, decorated the house like a circus tent, and watched Greatest Showman.  We celebrated her birthday at the Curiosity Museum and she specifically asked for a white, tiered (like a wedding cake), sprinkled animal birthday cake and chose a picture on pinterest.  She and I got matching dresses for her birthday and she thought it was the best thing ever.  Her big present was to pick out decorations for her very own room.  She’s been sharing with brothers up to this point but now she gets her very own mermaid room!

I came home early from work to get her party set up and laughed when she ran up and told me that she just met new people at the part so she invited them to her birthday party.  That’s Alexa to a T.  She LOVES people.  Only Alexa would invite strangers from the park to please, please, please come to her birthday party in an hour!

Kyle and I celebrated 9 years together with a really cool Korean cooking class at Sur La Table in Salt Lake.  We had a lot of fun together learning cool tricks and eating delicious food.

Alexa joined the Music Club at school and has been staying after every Thursday with the children’s choir.  They had their recital at the end of the year and got to dress up like animals.

Tyler also graduated from preschool and is excited to start kindergarden next year.

Our big news is that we listed our house for sale!  We found a great place on an acre in Spanish Fork, and put an offer in of $30k over asking price, but still didn’t get it.  However, then we stumbled on an amazing place in Lehi.  Smaller home than Spanish Fork, but nicer and the lot is much better.  And it has animal rights and an out building.  We are so excited!  And sad.  And happy.  All the feels.  We will really miss our ward and neighborhood, but are excited for land and more kids to play with.  Honestly I loved our little home and we don’t need something bigger than 3 bedrooms because the kids share, but we’re excited for a mini Swingle farm.  We spent every spare second getting the house show ready—lots of little paint touch ups, cleaning, and moving excess furniture into the garage to hide it.  Now we just fight with the kids to keep it clean constantly for ongoing showings, inspections, etc.  So the night before our showing Tad took a Sharpie to the bedroom door!  It’s a miracle he’s still alive.  We had an Open House so we escaped to the mountains while everyone was walking through.  We tried a fun new hike on the Nebo Loop.  We listed the house over Memorial Day weekend and immediately got 8 offers by Tuesday morning, all at or above asking price.  The first buyer we chose backed out on the last day of due diligence, demanding that we pay them $10k in concessions or install central air.  Yeah, right!  We politely declined and went to the next buyer, who was honestly still a pain to work with and we’re glad all of this is behind us now.

We got a new toilet and the kids thought it was so cool that the old one was in our front yard for a couple hours.  Talk about exciting new toys. 

Mother’s Day breakfast in bed and other shenanigans.


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