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June - Playing in St. George

We were happy to have Grandma and Grandpa Sweeny here to visit in June!  We played lots and enjoyed time together at Snowbird, in St George at Peggy and Paul’s new place, at the Ludlow family reunion, and the Thunder Junction park.  We saw lots of deer at Snowbird and loved the outdoor pool and game time.

Thunder Junction is a free city park in St. George and it’s incredible!  It’s free to get in and has a dinosaur splash pad, “active volcano” (that rumbles and shoots out smoke every 30 minutes), tons of playground equipment, and a working train ($1/ticket).  The kids loved it so much that we went 2 days in a row.

We recently discovered the skate park near our house and have enjoyed throwing bikes, scooters, and popsicles in the car to go play there together.  I laughed that despite all the toys I brought Tad thought it was more fun to just push Liam all over the place in his stroller :).

Tyler's big news is that he learned how to ride his bike without training wheels.  It was the craziest thing, we literally unscrewed them and he just took off!  No looking back or Mom and Dad holding on.  What an amazing kid!  I have never seen someone do it without practice like that.  I was so impressed.

We celebrated Father’s Day with the best dad ever!

I put Liam down for a nap in his car seat and looked down a few minutes later to see that I was highly successful--

Sure do love these boys.

Kyle and I were asked to speak in church and the Bishop also asked Alexa to speak as the "youth" speaker (normally 12 years+).  I have never seen them call on a 7-year old to speak in sacrament meeting.  She did GREAT.  She was a little nervous and wanted me to go first, but she rocked it.  


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