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Video Time

I've been able to capture some fun videos of Alexa this week.  I won't be offended if you don't want to watch them.  This may be one of those things that only Kyle and I find entertaining...especially since there are 5 :)

Here she is just finishing up singing Wheels on the Bus to her bunny, which I didn't catch in time.  You get the tail end of the change on the bus going clankity clank, but then she starts talking to her bunny so it's still cute.

THEN she sings "I Am A Child of God" to her bunny and it is ADORABLE!!!

While I was taking a shower yesterday, she decided to give her two bunnies a bath in Tyler's bath tub and sing to them while they took a bath...

She now says her name "I'm Alexa Swingle!"

She loves to feed Tyler his bottles....and I love that he stops drinking to smile at her.

Alexa is still talking up a storm, and often tells us how it is.  Lately, she says it's not her turn to pray and that it's Tyler's turn or Roxy's turn instead.  Good luck with that, little girl.  She also sometimes tells us that we're talking too loud in the car and "shh, because Tyler is sleeping!"

We had a work week-long athletic tournament and she was an awesome cheerleader.  Kyle and I both did tennis and volleyball, and I did ping pong while Kyle did ultimate frisbee.  The other events were horseshoes, basketball, golf, foosball, Wii dance, and speed chess.  Anyway, Alexa was adorable and would keep saying "Good job, Daddy!" when Kyle hit the ball at tennis or volleyball.  People I don't even know at work are still coming up to me and saying how cute it was.

We had a big BBQ to end the tournament and pass out awards, and Alexa quickly went to go sit with our chef, Steph, who is one of her favorite people at the office.  Steph told me that Alexa saw all of her freckles since she was in short sleeves (she's usually in a chef's coat) and said "yay, polka dots!" and pointed to them.

I almost killed our dog last week.  Let me explain.  I had her with me in the front yard while the kids were napping and I was getting some weeding done.  All the sudden she took off across the street and INSIDE a neighbor's open door.  I started yelling and running after her, and she is RUNNING all over inside their house, up and down stairs, etc. etc.  I run in the house yelling "sorry, I'm coming inside because my dog just came into your house!"  Keep in mind I have never met these people in my life and I'm completely invading their privacy.  Finally, I find Roxy happily licking the feet of a poor woman at the bathroom sink.  I grab her collar to pull her away and she's totally fighting it to the point that I'm starting to look like an idiot (yeah, because I didn't already) because I seriously can't get her out of the house.  Finally we make it to the front yard and she starts going back to our yard.  Then, last minute, she breaks for it and runs back to the house and into the open trunk of this lady's car!  (The house and trunk door were both open because she was loading stuff into the back of her car at the time).  She crawls behind all this junk in the trunk (haha) and is hiding in the very back of the trunk.  Again, I'm trying to drag her out and the woman walks outside.  I'm seriously embarrassed by now.  I apologize (again), and have to literally pick Roxy up because she won't move.  That dog.  Usually she is super obedient.  That day not so much.

Picture time.  We're loving this nice, warm summer weather so we can go outside and play!

Mac's birthday party!

neighborhood BBQ

We even met Kyle for lunch last Friday and went to a playground by work!
Kyle texted me this picture at work.  He was working in the yard and Tyler started getting fussy, so Alexa started bouncing him and saying "It's ok, Tyler.  Don't cry."
Sibling play time.  Tyler will entertain himself for a good hour if not longer under this thing.

Sibling bath time.  Alexa is a little crowded between all those toys and the baby bath.  Soon Tyler will sit up and take up less space!

Alexa insisted on feeding Tyler and would push my hand away if I even got close.  He kept stopping to smile at her.  Love it!

Grocery shopping....Alexa said she was done walking, so I cleared a tiny corner to put her in the cart...and she immediately started eating any food she could open.  Smart girl.  Very sneaky.  I had to keep hiding stuff under Tyler's car seat.

We've been going up to SLC and having lunch with Grandma Sweeny at least once a month, and it's been lots of fun.  This is the BEST picture I've ever gotten of her with the kids -- she's actually smiling!  It's so cute to watch her with both kids -- holding Tyler and making noises to get him to smile, reading books to Alexa and drawing her pictures (Alexa made her draw a bunch of random things on a notepad this time), etc.  Love our granny time!  Alexa sometimes calls her Abuelita now which is fun.

Oh, and I've grown obsessed with putting her in pigtails lately, but Kyle hates it and says they look like rat tails and is always trying to take them out.  It's a constant battle.


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