Tyler is now a rockin' 4 1/2-month old. This happy, skinny dude is only in the 5th percentile for weight, so his pediatrician is having us do bottles after each time I nurse to try and fatten him up. We're doing weekly weigh ins to check his progress for now.
He has started to roll over from his back to belly like a champ. He doesn't so much love the Bumbo or his jumper, but he loves being on his back with his mirrors/rings/bells above him. He can entertain himself for a long time like that. He HATES real food and cries every time we try to give him rice cereal or mashed bananas. So we've given up for now and will try again later. Milk it is. Alexa was the opposite--really, really liked being able to have solid food.
He loves to grab his toes! |
The many faces of Tyler....
The rare pouty face. But what a fat lip! |
We love those big blue eyes! |
the "duck face" when he's stretching |
The "I hate being swaddled right now" face! He's quite the escape artist. Much better than Alexa ever was.... |

He will now sleep from 7 or 8 at night until 6 or 7 in the morning, hoorah! He still often wakes up between 4 and 6 and whines a little, but puts himself back to sleep. Usually. It took him FOREVER to fall back asleep during the night when we first started trying. He's a stubborn one, I tell you. He would cry and cry for 2-3 hours. I would check on him every 30 minutes to make sure he was ok, hadn't pooped himself etc. Finally I would give up after a couple hours and nurse him. He would last like 10, maybe 30 seconds before falling asleep. Not even hungry, what a punk. (Or more tired than hungry I guess) And he doesn't nurse himself to sleep for naps or at night--he's actually really good at putting himself to sleep besides the middle of the night apparently. Anyway, he's a cute little boy and we love his guts. He just took a lot longer to sleep train than Alexa. And it's still a work in progress. We're trying to get him to sleep well so that he can sleep in the same room as Alexa. Soon I think....

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