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October 2021 - X-Men Halloween

Liam's preschool class had a field trip to Hee Haw Farms and Dad, Tad, and Nathan got to tag along.

On my birthday Shannon spoiled me with a My Little Pony cake and Bonnie went all out decorating my office.  The family celebrated with delicious Indian food and mango lassis.    

Liam has been asking for a Hot Wheels birthday party for the last year.  We ate car hot dogs, painted wooden race cars, and played red light green light.  He invited Lily, Lincoln, Sawyer, and Wesley to his party.

On his actual birthday we had "Liam" pancakes for breakfast and Carl's Jr. for lunch.  He got a set of Duplo animals and more floor puzzles.

During fall break we carved pumpkins with the Beagleys and made witches brew with cousins. Tad drew lots of fun halloween pictures to decorate our house (and a purple ghost by Liam).  

We trick or treated at Thrive on Friday and again on Saturday with friends in our neighborhood.  We did family X-Men costumes this year - Kyle was Cyclops, I was Jean Gray / Red Phoenix, Alexa was Storm, Tyler was Wolverine, Tad was Beast, Liam was Gambit, and Nathan was Professor X.  We covered Nathan's stroller in gold cardboard to look like Xavier's hover chair.  

Right when Tad got his beast muscle shirt in the mail he tried it on and ran to the mirror.  I walked in there and he was yelling at the mirror "I am Beast" and flexing.  

Tad Beast video:

Tad was student of the week for school.  His favorite food is macaroni and cheese, color is blue, book is Ninja Turtles, when he grows up he wants to be a builder, favorite sport is Jr. Jazz Basketball, and he likes legos, friends, and Sonic.  He drew a cute picture of him as a builder, and also drew some stars, a basketball, and sonic.  

We are continuing the work on our 4-foot trench by filling and grading the sewage line at the right slope.  We have also been demoing the inside of the outbuilding and have found 5 dead birds trapped in the walls.  Yikes. 

Other misc October fun: Alexa and Harlem at Auntie Emmy's house, Nathan looking cute and grown up in a backpack, trip to the movies to see Addams Family 2 during fall break, Tad and his best friend Jimmy on a school field trip, Liam on top of Kyle's truck flexing his muscles, and Nathan cuddling with Roxy and then sporting a cape.  

Note from Tad to Liam:
Liam, I hope that you will have a good time at preschool. Love. To Liam 

We were talking about missionaries and I asked Tad if he was excited to go on a mission when he's older.  He said, "Yes, but Mom I'm already a missionary right now!" I said, "Oh awesome, what do you do that makes you a missionary right now?" He said, "I help people!"


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