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October 2020 - Glacier NP

We returned to real life October 1 when I went back to work.  I really miss baby boy and being home, but he has done well taking a bottle from Kyle.  He continues to be such a good baby.  He is a healthy, chubby baby.  He is 95% in all categories (head, length, weight).  He is so fat that we have to put yoga blocks under his baby swing to keep it from dragging on the ground.

We took a weekend trip up to Glacier National Park for Kirstan's wedding.  It was stunningly beautiful and we can't wait to go back.  We did a 5-mile hike with the kids to Avalanche Lake and took some scenic drives, but 90% of the park is closed.  The kids loved all the chipmunks and everywhere we went they thought the same one was following us because it was our buddy.  They named him Zippy. We barely scratched the surface of what is in the park but were blown away. We stayed in an Airbnb with Marmie, Grandpa Swingle, Emily, and Sara.  

Kirstan was married at an amphitheater Saturday on the edge of Lake McDonald.  Baby Nathan threw up all over her wedding dress at the reception while she was holding him :(.  

Liam turned 3 and is the cutest kid ever.  He wanted ramen cup of noodles for lunch and a donut birthday cake.  His most exciting birthday gift was his very own backpack. He put it on and said "I'm going to school!!" He also got a balance bike.

Alexa has been studying cloud formations at school so she predicts the weather for our family based on the types of clouds in the sky.  She's really into it and it's fun.  She and I did an impromptu girls night and she chose to do a spa night. We made our own face masks out of egg whites and lemon juice, gave each other back massages, and ate yogurt parfaits (made by Alexa :).  

Tyler and his neighbor friends have been making lots of bows out of sticks and yarn.  I love their creativity and imagination.  He and I went on a date to play laser tag.  It was just the two of us in a giant course so we ran around chasing each other and laughing.  

My date with Tad this month was painting rocks.  He picked them from our front yard and we used nail polish as paint.  

We had a fun time carving pumpkins with the Beagleys, playing at Cornbelly's with the Wilsons, doing Trunk or Treat with Sara and Emily, decorating the door to be Frankenstein, and making mummy hot dogs and witches brew.  Alexa was a witch with baby Nathan the black cat, Tyler was a vampire, Tad was Knuckles, and Liam was Sonic.  

Funny stories:

Me: We're stopping at Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  Do all of you want chicken nuggets?

Tyler: Can I have a cheeseburger.

Me: Dude, we're going to Chick-Fil-A. They only sell chicken.  You can get chicken nuggets, a chicken sandwich, or a chicken salad. 

Tyler: Oh, ok.  I'll get a chicken sandwich.  And can I get a Frosty, too?

Me: Once again, we are going to Chick-Fil-A, not Wendy's.  They don't have Frosty's.  

Liam saw a lightning bolt in a Noah's Ark book and said, "Look! It's Pikachu!"

Misc Photos:


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