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October 2018 - Liam the 1-year old

We had a mission reunion this year for the first time in a few years, and it was like seeing family again that we hadn't seen in years.  It was wonderful to see friends we grew close to during our time serving in Canada.  At first I was disappointed that we didn't do reunions more often, but it actually made it a big deal because they are so infrequent.  People traveled from out of the country, east coast, etc. for the reunion because they rarely happen and it was a chance to see everyone.

We had the Beagleys and Pardons over for pumpkin decorating and witches brew.  It was so very cute.

Tad became a potty training champion over General Conference weekend.  He still whines about having to go alone and wants constant companionship, but he caught on fast and is doing really well.

My birthday consisted of cute gifts and cards from the kids and dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  Alexa gave me fake roses to put in a vase in our room, as well as fuzzy socks to keep me warm because she said she knows I hate to get cold.  The kids also got me coloring books and crayons to draw pictures together.  Kyle got me a scratch off map to start documenting our travels :).  Steve, my boss, got me a bunch of cereal which I thought was possibly one of the greatest gifts of all time.  Another sweet co-worker, Shannon, got me some beautiful flowers.

We celebrated baby Liam's birthday with a giant chocolate cake.  I was holding him away from the flame on the candle the whole time we sang to him, we blew it out, and then I turned my back and he immediately grabbed the (still hot!) wick and burned himself, bursting into uncontrollable tears and a hate of his birthday cake.  Eventually, he came back around...

Tyler was highlighted at school and got to build a Tyler poster.  He said his favorite food is cheeseburgers, favorite color is orange, favorite game is Mario Kart, and that he loves to play games, go to recess, build Legos, have sword fights, and wrestle.  The kids also got their school pictures back.  Look at those cuties.

We took a beautiful hike up to Bridal Veil Falls with a co-worker, Mark Harvey, visiting from the UK.  Autumn doesn't last long in Utah, but the colors up in the mountains were really pretty and Alexa and Mark gathered handfuls of different types of leaves together.

For Halloween we dressed up as two different groups.  Alexa was a vampire, Tyler a skeleton vampire, and I joined in.  Kyle was a royal steed, Tad a dragon, and Liam the brave knight.  We couldn't convince Alexa and Tyler to go along with a family theme.

The animals are doing well and life is good.

Chubby baby went into the pantry, pulled down a box of Cheerios, opened them, dumped them on the dirty unfinished kitchen floor, and proceeded to stuff his face.

Random videos for your viewing pleasure--
Kyle and Tad dance party

Tad singing Follow the Prophet during General Conference.

We learned that Liam thinks hiccups are hilarious.


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