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November 2018 - Tailbones, Goblins, and Family Photos

We had a dark Saturday the first week of November.  I was carrying a load of stuff into the garage and slipped on our concrete steps, landing quite nicely on my coccyx right on the corner of the stairs and creating a terribly painful fracture.  I struggled to sleep or do much of anything for several days, but gradually figured out tricks to avoid more pain and begin to function.  I borrowed a standing desk at work and avoided our couch for a long while.  Some tips should anyone experience the same injury--

1. Use Aleve PM at night.  It helped better than other pain killers.  It was a tip from Mom's doctor that it's the best for bone pain.
2. Stand and walk as much as possible rather than sitting or laying down
3. Don't sit on soft things (couch, chairs, seats in the car, etc.).  Instead, sit on hard surfaces.  Our kitchen chairs were the best for me because they were hard and flat and I could sit on them and lean forward just a little to keep weight and pressure off my tailbone.  The donut or u-shaped pillows didn't really help me much.  Sure, it was a little better than sitting on other soft surfaces, but sitting in general didn't feel very good.
4. Do the hot / cold treatment.  20 minutes with an ice pack, then 20 minutes with a heating pad, on repeat.  It helped me A LOT.

A few hours after my fall, baby Liam was climbing up those same steps and slipped.  He started screaming and Kyle immediately found that he had knocked out his bottom middle tooth in a bloody mess.  The whole tooth and root were knocked out and embedded in his bottom lip, creating a large gash.  How he managed to knock out only one tooth--it being so incredibly tiny--is still a mystery.  We started calling dentists and a good friend who is a dental hygienist, only to find that almost every dental office is closed on Saturdays and you have a 30-minute window to put the tooth back in before the body starts to heal and fill the hole.  Our friend got a hold of her dentist who said he wouldn't advise on re-inserting the tooth because the process is not pleasant and a 13 month-old would not sit through it well, plus with it being his baby tooth he would be ok to go without for a few years until the permanent tooth grew in.  Kyle was devastated at the injury, but Liam immediately started trying to grab my phone and chew on it while I was calling dental offices, unfazed by the pain and wanting to play with something shiny.  He is now our little goblin baby.  Pictured here playing in the dog's new kennel that he thinks is the best toy ever.

I have had strep throat twice this fall, first in September and again in early November.  I'm thankful for virtual doctor visits on our insurance app and good smoothies, and also hoping this trend doesn't continue and imply that my tonsils have to come out soon.

Tad has turned into a pretty amazing artist.  Here are some of his recent works.  Keep in mind that he is TWO years old!

A bunny rabbit in the grass eating 3 carrots
A butterfly
Baby Liam
And some spiders, one that is angry and one that is happy

We got family photos taken this month at cold Utah Lake.  I love how they turned out.

Lastly, I have to brag on Kyle.  He is pictured here at a dentist appointment, holding Liam on his lap while they finish his exam.  Is he not the greatest Dad of all time?

Side note about dental work, I don't think I've mentioned previously that Alexa has a phenomenon called shark teeth where her adult teeth grow in behind her baby teeth so she has two sets.  It's the craziest thing.  She's had two teeth up against each other on her bottom middle for a few months, with no sign of the baby teeth falling out.  So far it has happened to about 5 of her teeth.

Speaking of Alexa, she gave herself a haircut.  AGAIN!  This is now the third time in her life.  Bangs this time.  That girl....our parenting strategies are obviously working really, really well.  If anyone else wants to talk to her be my guest!


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