It got up to the 90s here in mid May, so we decided to turn on the swamp cooler. That was a mistake. Kyle hooked everything back up again and turned on the water to it and we assumed that life was good. I put the kids to bed and started doing dishes. All the sudden water started spraying me and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Eventually, I discovered that the source was water coming down through the ceiling fan across the room (which was on) and being thrown across the room by the fan. I figured that water coming down through the fan was probably a bad thing, so I ran outside to tell Kyle to turn the water off. He did, and then climbed up in the attic to see the damage. A pipe had burst in our attic leading to the swamp cooler. Bummer. We figured he would just replace it in the next few days and we'd wait to use the swamp cooler until then. Second mistake. Apparently, in that brief time (half hour maybe?) that the water was on, we had nicely soaked some insulation in the attic. At 2:30 in the morning, Kyle and I woke up to a huge crash and a nice chunk of our ceiling falling down into the kitchen. Kyle wanted to clean it up then before he had to go to work at 5am, and I told him no thanks, I'm going back to bed (knowing I would have to feed Tyler soon. And then again in a couple more hours, etc etc). So, Alexa spent the morning strapped to her high chair and Tyler chilled in his swing while I went to town cleaning the insulation that was on all three floors of our house thanks to its fluffy desire to fly around everywhere, as well as lots of soggy insulation, drywall mud, sheet rock, dry wall, etc etc that came down into our house. Alexa was thrilled because it was snowing in our house!

A restoration company then came and started cutting out the rest of the damaged drywall and wet insulation. Kyle The Amazing redid the pipe running all the way through the attic because that was the one thing our insurance didn't cover (just covers damages, not the cause of the damage. Strange, but luckily that was the easiest and by far the cheapest thing to fix).
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Bigger hole after the rest of the soggy drywall was cut down.... |
I'll add more pictures once it's all fixed!
The face Alexa made while they were using their loud tools to work on the ceiling. Wouldn't even touch her Golden Grahams. |
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