Man, how time flies. If you can't tell by all of my other posts, we LOVE our little girl! She makes us laugh every day, and we can't get enough of her hilarious personality and babble. She is quite the talker. When I went in to get her the morning of her birthday I said, "Happy Birthday, Alexa!" Her response: "A birthday cake?!"
Favorite food: golden grahams, freeze dried blueberries and broccoli, chicken nuggets and french fries, smoothies
Favorite books: Hercules, Peter Pan
Favorite movies: Dora the Explorer, How to Train Your Dragon
Favorite play time: having us pretend to be horseys and going for a ride, reading books, looking at photo albums, coloring (particularly drawing spiders), going to the park and playing on the slide/see saw/swings/bench, and now playing outside with Roxy
Favorite Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, ABCs, I Am a Child of God -- she knows the words to all of them!
Vocab: She'll count up to 15, sing songs like I mentioned previously, say prayers (we start the sentence and she'll finish it, and she always ends it on her own with "Love you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen." all by herself), knows her colors and shapes, and will say patchy sentences (like "Can you help me, please?").
Oh, and a bird flew into our house on her birthday!
A couple funny Alexa stories to end the post...
We were having Family Home Evening last week and talking about a picture of Jesus. She interrupted us all excited to point out Jesus' "toes!!" and the fact that he was "wearing a towel!!"
We were reading her Hercules book the other day and when she saw the picture of the hydra (purple dragon-like creature), she gave me a lecture on how he needed to clip his fingernails because they were too long.
We have an annual tradition of going to Benihana's in May for Kyle and my Aunt Kathi's birthdays. They give you a free $30 gift certificate the month of your birthday. Sign up if you haven't already! The best part is that our Hibachi chefs are always Mexican, I love it. So authentic.
Favorite food: golden grahams, freeze dried blueberries and broccoli, chicken nuggets and french fries, smoothies
Favorite books: Hercules, Peter Pan
Favorite movies: Dora the Explorer, How to Train Your Dragon
Favorite Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, ABCs, I Am a Child of God -- she knows the words to all of them!
Vocab: She'll count up to 15, sing songs like I mentioned previously, say prayers (we start the sentence and she'll finish it, and she always ends it on her own with "Love you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen." all by herself), knows her colors and shapes, and will say patchy sentences (like "Can you help me, please?").
Birthday lunch at Tucano's! |
Coloring at her new craft table that Kyle built for her! |
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Back pack from Grandma and Grandpa Sweeny |
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Dora book from Marmie and Grandpa Swingle |
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Riding her new horsey that is totally too small for her already. She also got a tricycle. |
Oh, and a bird flew into our house on her birthday!
A couple funny Alexa stories to end the post...
We were having Family Home Evening last week and talking about a picture of Jesus. She interrupted us all excited to point out Jesus' "toes!!" and the fact that he was "wearing a towel!!"
We were reading her Hercules book the other day and when she saw the picture of the hydra (purple dragon-like creature), she gave me a lecture on how he needed to clip his fingernails because they were too long.
We have an annual tradition of going to Benihana's in May for Kyle and my Aunt Kathi's birthdays. They give you a free $30 gift certificate the month of your birthday. Sign up if you haven't already! The best part is that our Hibachi chefs are always Mexican, I love it. So authentic.
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