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Thanksgiving, exploding soup, and pukepocalypse....

First of all, I am especially grateful for our sweet little girl and incredibly saddened by the loss to so many parents this week with the school shooting in Connecticut.  I don't even know what to say as far as how difficult that would be, even with the knowledge we have of eternal families and the plan that God has for us.  I also can't imagine the pain of those children who were there as witnesses to the tragedy of their friends and classmates at such a young age.  I love my family and can't imagine being without my cute, adorable Alexa who is running around the living room screaming "blankie!" at the moment and tickling Kyle.

I guess I haven't written since before Thanksgiving.  We had a double header with the Singletons and Grandma Sweeny.  We spent Wednesday night at the Singletons and had Thanksgiving lunch with them and the Skankeys, and then headed over to Snowbird for dinner with Grandma, Kathi & Don, Hope & Quinn, and Rich & Wendy.  Kyle said he never wants to do that again because he thought he was going to explode, haha.  Side note--Alexa woke up early Thanksgiving morning so we brought her into bed with us, and have discovered that she is a complete flailer.  I had Alexa kicking me from one side and the wee little baby kicking me from the other pretty consistently for most of the morning.

Sad cooking story.  I made some creamy cauliflower soup a couple weeks ago, and I was standing there waiting for it to boil for what seemed like forever.  I heard Alexa squawk to let me know she was awake from her nap, so I ran back to her room and started changing her diaper.  As soon as her bum was completely naked, I hear the horrible sound of the pot of soup boiling over onto the stove.  It went from nothing to complete chaos at just the right time--all within about 20 seconds.  I had to decide whether to risk her being naked and peeing on something, or letting the soup create a boiling puddle under the stove.  Ughh.  Then, after boiling the soup for a while I had to blend it. Proceeded to blend the soup, at which point the top blew off the blender and covered me, Alexa, and half the kitchen with boiling soup.  It seriously went EVERYWHERE!  And right then Kyle walked in the door.  Good times.

Alexa loves the little cloth nativity we have (Marmie, Emily and Sara, it's the same one I made for you guys a couple years ago.  Sweenys, it's the same as Mom's).  I was vacuuming last week and she was freaked out by the vacuum, so she just stood by the couch holding baby Jesus and watching me with a scared face.

playing with Uncle Todd while we saw The Hobbit.

at Todd & Melissa's house for a Swingle Christmas party

She has started to argue, and we think it's absolutely hilarious.  She responds in a high pitched voice, and never uses real words when she's arguing.  It's always babble, but stern babble like she's trying to make a point and help us understand her side of things.  I need to video it.

We watched a friend's almost 5 month old baby a couple weeks ago, and it was a lot of fun to see Alexa interact with him.  She loved helping take care of him and feed him his bottle, push his swing, etc.  She would get so mad when I would take her away from the baby to eat dinner or change her diaper.  She would cry and call out his name.  And then she asked for him every day for the next week.

She continues to talk like we can't believe.  She says "cheese" for pictures, and we got a cute recordable card for Uncle Craig / Elder Swingle for Christmas and she said "love you Uncle Craig" on the card.  Ahh, it was so adorable.

She must have eaten something that didn't agree with her the other week because she had her first pukepocalypse.  Poor girl.  She woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't get her to fall back asleep after like 45 minutes of rocking and cuddling.  Put her back in the crib and she threw up everywhere.  So, dad took a shower with her and we got her all cleaned up and curled up next to me in bed.  I finally got her to fall back asleep at like 5am after hours of misery.  She was in the weirdest position by the way--on her back with her legs draped over my big belly, arms across my chest, and her head in my armpit.  It looked really uncomfortable.  Anyway, she had been asleep all of 10 minutes when she turned her head and threw up in my eye while still asleep.  I'm not sure if the puking woke her up or my reaction to the fact that she had just thrown up IN MY EYE!!!  There were many baths, showers, and much laundry done that day.

I made her a bean bag chair for Christmas.  It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be....she kind of drowns in it at this point. Oh, and she calls it her "pillow chair"


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