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What we've been up to...

I'm going to try and do more regular (*shorter) posts so that it doesn't take hours to read our blog!  Some funny Alexa stories in the last week or so...

1) I was sitting in our kitchen eating breakfast while Alexa was crawling around and getting into things as usual. She likes to climb into our pantry and bang on our 5 gallon buckets filled with rice and flour, but this time she also thought it would be fun to open and close the accordion pantry doors repeatedly...until she closed them on herself and couldn't get them open again!  Come to find out that she had closed them and then knocked over the 10 lb bag of potatoes in there so that the door was jammed shut.  She was quite traumatized by the whole thing, I laughed because I saw the whole thing and thought it was so funny how she had accidentally trapped herself in, and then she happily went on her merry way to go grab some of her books of the bookshelf in her room.

I'll take a quick story break to post cute pictures of Kyle and Alexa swinging at the playground next door!

2) I was reading a parenting article on my laptop in Alexa's room about childproofing your house while she played next to me.  I was going through the checklist to make sure we were safe and sound, and literally while I was reading this article and feeling good about everything we had done in the house to protect the wee one, she opened her dresser drawer to pull all her clothes out (a favorite pastime) and then closed the drawer on her fingers and started crying!  The irony...

3) We have an amazing community season pass thing that gets us into tons of free stuff for a year, including a fun park (w/ mini golf, batting cages, go carts, etc.), a big water park, local sporting events (basketball, pro soccer, baseball and volleyball), skiing, ice skating, etc. for $29!!  We love it!  Anyway, I took Alexa to the water park this week because she loves swimming, and she hated it the first time!! However, I think it was due to lack of sleep, because she did much, much better the second time.

Alexa: I don't like this....
Dawson: I'm so happy with my cool hat on!

Look at that fat lip!
Feed me!

All was well when she hired Dawson as her personal slave to feed her yogurt bites.

using our pass to go mini golfing!

Dad didn't realize that she was trying to eat the golf ball while he posed!


  1. Love the pictures of her at the water park! She looks so miserable in such a fun place (LOL). The closet story is hilarious! Aden used to lock himself in the bathroom when he was like 3 years old.

  2. Love it! She's such a silly little girl!


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