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January 2024 - Racquetball

Tyler picked racquetball for our date night.  It has been at least 15 years since I've played so we called my Dad for a refresher on the rules while we drove to the rec center.  It was really fun, although Tyler said it was too much running and took several breaks where he laid on the ground in between points.  Not to be left out of the fun, a couple of weeks later Tad and I played racquetball as well.  Tad had a lot more energy than Tyler and ran to his heart's content all around the court.

Tyler and Tad have been having a lot of recent fun with our face paint.

It was nice enough to have family lunch outside in January!  Pretty amazing!  We meet up for lunch every Wednesday and have been doing it since Alexa and Tyler were little.  In the summer we meet at a park near my office and in the winter we eat in the break room at work or at the indoor playground at Carl's Jr.  Baby Audrey was fearless on the playground and wanted to climb right to the top and slide down.  It made me anxious! But she was cute and smily in her Uncle Ben beanie.  

Nathan was adamant that he wanted to shovel snow with Kyle

Tad was having a hard week so we locked ourselves in the office, turned on the Pokemon soundtrack, and painted Bulbasaur together.  We got the paint kit from a local studio that we love.  It was nice to spend some quality time together.  

I traveled to California and met with fun new customers now under my perview at work including Nissin, See's Candies, Ghirardelli, and Dole.  All of the employees at Nissin had business cards designed to look like 1-dimensional cup of noodles and it totally made my day.  And I'm fairly certain Ghirardelli is owned by the Italian mafia, but their chocolate is delicious!


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