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June 2023 - Tyler's tonsils out, State softball & baseball

I woke up at 5am on Father's Day with Liam and Audrey and then Kyle stayed up with Audrey until 1am because her teeth were hurting.  We were zombies.  Audrey got her first two teeth this month and she is really crawling and scooting around.

We played lots of baseball and softball this month.  Both Tyler and Alexa's teams made it to State and we play every Sunday evening as a family.  Alexa hit an infield home run in the city tournament!! She was also beaned twice at State--ouch.  Tad also had a really talented team and great coaches in American Fork.

Alexa had her first girls camp.  They stayed in teepees outside Bryce Canyon.  They went horseback riding, shooting, swimming, and did lots of hiking.  She had a blast. 

We were thrilled to celebrate Aunt June turning 90!!  She is amazing and we love her.  We miss living closer and seeing her more often.

We had to push Alexa's birthday party into June.  We rented the pavilion next to the Lehi outdoor pool.  It was the first birthday party in the history of ever that I just sat there because no one needed me for anything.  It was so strange and wonderful.  I pulled out a book after a little while and just sat and read.  Alexa even made and frosted her cake!  She did such a good job.

We had fun at the (really hot) Lehi parade and rodeo. 

Tyler got his tonsils and adenoids out and was really miserable for about a week after.  He would write things on a little notebook because it hurt to talk and one evening after a few days he wrote a note asking when it would stop hurting so much and passed it to me with huge tears in his eyes.  Broke my Mama heart. 

June shenanigans:


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