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March 2016 - Easter, Buxta, and baby blessings

We had a wonderful Easter at Peggy's house.  The kids loved hunting for eggs with their cousins.  I made the boys matching bowties and sewed the kids some new Easter bags to collect their eggs.

We blessed Tad on March 31 while Brendan and Whitney and Mom and Dad were still here, and right as Marmie and Grandpa came into town.  Here's the link to his sweet blessing.  It was so wonderful to be surrounded by so many we love.

Tad's blessing given by Kyle:
Tad, we want you to know the hope that we have for your future.  Your mother and I are very excited to have you join our family and excited to help you learn and to grow and to come to love the gospel.  We bless you at this time that your knowledge and stature in the gospel will grow as you do.  We bless you that you might be able to have a sound doctrinal foundation, especially as you serve a mission.  We bless you that you will be able to follow the spirit and to speak even as it is said in the scriptures that when you open your mouth the words will be filled.  We bless you that as you remain righteous and faithful to the covenants that you will make throughout life that you will have the protection to combat the adversary's attempts to lead you away.  We are so very, very grateful for you and we bless you with these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

We made personal-sized sugar cookie fruit pizzas for dessert.  Thanks to Whitney for making dozens and dozens of cookies!

It has been WONDERFUL to have so much family around.  We had an absolute blast with Brendan and Whitney & Co.  Our kids love, love, love their cousins.  We were thrilled to meet smiley, chubby Erik.  See picture below of lurpy 4-week old Tad next to 10-week old Erik.

This was our last big trip from Mom and Dad for a while.  They came out to meet Tad and clear out Grandma Sweeny's house.  Marmie and Grandpa came straight from Great-Grandma and Grandpa's in Arizona.  Marmie and poor, crippled Grandpa (tore his Achille's tendon) were helping Great-Grandma bounce back from hip surgery.

Alexa and Tyler have been on a bike-riding craze and it's been really fun.  They want us to go outside with them and ride first-thing in the morning.  We've had beautiful spring weather, which has helped.  They have gotten longer reigns lately with the new baby and have taken great care of each other playing at the park next door and in our yard.  I love that they enjoy playing outside and are such great buddies.

They have also really taken off as little readers this month.  Ever since our Christmas trip to Indiana where they watched Carra learning to read during family scripture study, Alexa has taken a big interest in reading and is catching on fast with Tyler right on her heels.  They have both learned several three and four-letter words and Alexa is doing really, really well at sounding things out.

We are loving our baby Tad and can't believe he's already a month old!  The kids like to make sure he's included in family fun and dress him up if you can't tell by these photos...


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