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December 2014 - Christmas with Brendan, Whitney, and Granny

The kids absolutely loved helping us set up all of the Christmas decorations and putting the ornaments on the tree.  We played Christmas music and wore Santa hats and they laughed and sang along.  Kyle (who continues to amaze me with his random and awesome skill set) even made a homemade wreath from the extra branches off our tree.  For at least a week Alexa would pretend it was Christmas morning every day when I got home from work and have presents for me that she had wrapped under the tree, typically some of her toys in a little box or wrapped in a t-shirt.

These pictures don't really fit in anywhere, but I have to include Tyler, the gangster thug, wearing my Thrive Life hat because he is obsessed with it right now and wants to wear it all the time.  He said his first full sentence this month: "Can I have some cereal, please?"  He is growing up so fast!

We celebrated our first Christmas on December 12 with the local Swingle clan.  Alexa was so excited to get an Elsa and Anna t-shirt (thank you, Aunt Peggy!) and to be able to hold Yeti baby Dean.  I made the boys and Chelsea some mustache mugs that say hello in their mission language, Peggy a sea shell Christmas tree, and Melissa some fun printed Harry Potter quotes.

Then we celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Sweeny on December 15 before they left for Indiana.  The kids love their magic microphone, Kyle now has a press to make homemade Cafe Rio tortillas, and we're excited to finally have some snow so we can use our new sleds.  We signed Mom & Dad (Grandma & Grandpa) up for sign language classes in Taylorsville so they can learn to sign with all of their signing grandkids.

We took a fun wagon ride in Heber to go see Santa.  It was supposed to be a sleigh ride, but there was no snow.  The kids loved being pulled by horses and imitating their noises, petting their noses, etc.

Our next wagon ride (again, supposed to be sleigh ride) was even more special.  We met up with Ben's daughter Maria, her mom Jenny, and step-father Casey at Hardware Ranch in Logan while they are out here for the holidays.  Hardware Ranch is an elk reserve that eventually gets 500-600 elk on the reserve each winter.  We then grabbed dinner together after and let the kids play.  I was very surprised that Jenny came and appreciated the chance to visit with her some and get to know Casey better.  Also, we're very lucky that our car made it up and back down the snowy canyon to the ranch.  Thank goodness for answers to prayers.  It was wonderful to see sweet, happy Maria and give her big hugs.  She looks so much like Ben.

The highlight of my Christmas was having Brendan, Whitney, and company come stay with us from the 21-24.  The kids loved, loved, loved having cousins to run around with and Kyle and I loved having Brendan and Whitney to visit with!  We put Chase and Jeffrey in the crawl space with white Christmas lights and sleeping bags and it was pretty great.  Like sleeping in a carpeted cave or camping under the house.  Every little boy's dream come true.  Carra and Alexa got to have sleepovers together in the bunk bed.  One fun adventure was the ride home from Temple Square on TRAX (aka "the train!") together.  Our ward had the nursery come in and do the nativity scene for the Primary on Sunday.  Alexa was Mary and Caleb was the tiny baby Jesus in a laundry basket, kept calm with a steady supply of graham crackers.  It was fantastically adorable.  Here's the link to a video clip if anyone wants to see.

It was hard to say goodbye to Brendan--so loved having family here with us and it makes me miss the rest of you even more.

We spent Christmas Eve night at 98 year old Granny's house and had a great Christmas day with her.  It was nice and quiet and great to be together.  I made Alexa and Granny matching Christmas nightgowns to celebrate.

Merry Christmas to all of you!  We feel blessed to have you in our lives and are grateful for your love, hugs, and friendship through this trying year.  What a blessing it has been for me to study and learn more of the comforting and strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ these last few months.  I am grateful for the knowledge that our Savior did all within His power to bring us home.  What sweet comfort to know that His arms are open and that His love for us is always there.  Hugs to all of you.  We wish you the best in the coming year.


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