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Still happy after waiting in line at Best Buy for an hour!!

I continue to be blown away by Alexa's imagination and creativity.  She also continues to get tons of comments on what a talker she is, not even 2 1/2 yet.  The other day she was reading a book, giggling and pretending the dog in the book was licking her hand.  She also had her first actual phone conversation (questions and answers back and forth) with Grandma and Grandpa Sweeny.  It was really neat to listen to them talk!  

She got a cold and didn't sleep well a couple weeks ago, so she was sick and cranky in the morning.  I asked if she wanted to stay in bed.  No.  Do you want breakfast?  No.  Do you want to go chase Daddy and smack his bum?  Yes!  Jumped out of bed and went to find Daddy.  Hilarious child.

Some additional Alexa quotes and stories this month:

Alexa, while hitting herself with a play phone: "Hey, please stop it, phone. That's not nice to hit."

I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. Alexa ran in holding a banana: "mommy, I'm eating a banana!! Daddy gave it to me! Daddy's the BEST!!!" I can't get enough of this little girl.  She's always telling me that "Daddy is the best!"

Alexa "sprinkled dirt" on her stuffed puppy, wiped his forehead, and then held him up in the air and proclaimed him the new Lion King!

We went up to Great-Grandma Sweeny's for General Conference and Alexa loved it because she got to play with Granny.  She kept putting her flower headband on Grandma and telling her how beautiful she was.  

Another random picture of Grandma I wanted to throw in here.  It was raining after
she got her hair done so she put a bag on her head.  Love that woman.

Alexa put Kyle and I both down for naps last Sunday--Kyle got a book read to him and she sang me a song :).  She'll sing along to most songs now and can do the majority of them all the way through on her own--I'm A Child of God, I've Been Workin' on the Railroad, Child's Prayer, Away in a Manger, etc.

Tyler is the cutest!!  He is a funny kid.  He always tries to share his toys or bottle with us and holds them out to us and smiles.  And he now crawls up to me right away when I walk through the door after work so I can pick him up and give him kisses.  He got two teeth back to back this month.  His first one came on my birthday (yay!) and the second a few days later while we were in Monticello.  As of the beginning of October (8 months), he was crawling like a champ (he's been army crawling since 6 months but now he is legitimately crawling) and sitting up great, easily switching between the two on his own.  He also quickly began standing up and pulling himself up on furniture, so we'll see what the next few months bring.  His 9 month appointment went well and he didn't even cry when he got his blood taken or got a shot.  Alexa, however, got her flu shot while we were there and cried for a good 10 minutes.

Tyler is in love with his Roxy pups.  Kyle told me that a couple weeks ago Tyler crawled over to Roxy to lay with her in her dog bed, but then she stood up and walked to the other side of the room.  So Tyler followed her to the other side of the room, and then she went back to her dog bed when he got there.  So Tyler sat there and cried :).  Adorable.

Tyler LOVES cords.  As I was in Alexa's bed reading her a book, Tyler was crawling around on the floor.  He grabbed her white noise machine, unplugged it, and dragged it under the bed with him so that he could chew on it!

using Roxy as support to stand up!

what a stud!

King of the office

I had a great birthday.  I took the kids to IHOP for breakfast and Alexa thought it was the best thing ever.  We went to Hee Haw Farms that evening with some friends, and then Kyle got a sitter and we ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  I got a Samsung tablet and Kyle bought me a new outfit.  Fun day with the family.  
We celebrated my birthday at Benihana's a week later with Peggy & Paul

biggest rabbit I've ever seen

Here's a video of Alexa singing Happy Birthday to me.

I've been doing more with the party side of Thrive these past couple months.  I always tell people about Alexa's love for broccoli, and finally captured it on camera.  She begged me for broccoli while eating fruit loops for breakfast (yes, the healthiest breakfast choice out there, I know), and first I said "you have to finish your cereal first."  Then, I realized that fruit loops are junk, so I let her have some broccoli.  So she had three helpings of broccoli for breakfast :).

We watched Hope and Quinn's dogs while they were on vacation, and Alexa LOVED it.  She absolutely loved Precious, their chihuahua.  I must admit that I wasn't used to their yipping and barking all the time, but they were actually really good dogs.  

We had a REALLY fun Halloween!  Tyler's costume was my all-time favorite, and it was fun to dress up as a family.  Kyle was Captain Hook, I was Wendy, Alexa was Tinker Bell, Tyler was a pirate, and Roxy was a crocodile (which she ripped off within 15 minutes).  We went trick or treating at the office, around the neighborhood a little, and then to the Beatty's Halloween party.


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