We had lots of fun with Sara, Preston, Damien, Olivia and Charlotte. It was great to meet cute, sweet Charlotte. She melted my heart--she's soo happy, I love it!! We had lots of fun with them here for a few days--took scooter rides with the kids, had a cousin dance party (my favorite part!), took the boys and Alexa to see Monsters University (Alexa spent most of the time climbing up and down the theater steps -- her attention span is apparently not ready for a movie in theaters yet!), had a fun BBQ with Todd & Melissa and the Singleton clan, played with the sprinklers and Roxy, and cleaned up lots of puke from those poor, sick kids :(.
Sara brought us this cool sprinkler with all these extensions that fly everywhere. Lots of fun! |
Strong Luna kids |
Girl cousin bath time. Poor Charlotte got a black eye because Preston put her in a spinny office chair and she fell out :( |
the babies chilling on their blanket at the BBQ |
Uncle Paul was so sweet to push the girls on the swings |
Mike and the boys |
Preston holding Tyler |
Kyle giving the boys mohawks :) |
Ahh, I just love her!! Here is Charlotte saying goodbye to us |
Aunt Peggy smiling with Tyler |
Then, a couple weeks after the Luna clan came, we got a surprise call from Emily saying she was in Utah! She drove up from Blanding and visited us for the afternoon/evening. We loved it! Sadly, Todd was out of town, but we got to play with Melissa. We all went mini golfing and out to Cafe Rio for dinner. Aiden is getting so tall and we wish that he, Emily and Jered lived closer so we could play MORE!!!
in front of Trafalga |
Aiden was entertaining Tyler while I got him something to drink. I wish I got a video of him talking to Tyler and being all cute. |
Alexa felt so cool with all of Aiden's aunts who came to dinner with us |
Tyler was so happy to meet Emily! |
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