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Getting ready for Baby Bambino

We've all been battling being sick on and off these last couple weeks, and at one point Kyle was throwing up downstairs and Alexa was so worried about him.  She kept saying "daddy" in this horribly sad voice, and then "daddy hug? hug?" because she wanted to go make him feel better.  Such a sweetheart.  Alexa was feeling so tired and sick that she didn't wake up until almost 11 yesterday and 10 today!  I kept going in to make sure she was still breathing.  Normally just opening the door makes her wake right up, but not yesterday or today.  Kyle and I were of course awake at 7, and weren't quite sure what to do with ourselves to be honest.

Alexa continues to be an awesome helper.  Kyle was sitting on the couch going through his stocking Starburst stash, and she was so excited to throw away his wrapper every time he opened a new one.  She also loves handing us our towels when we get out of the shower, and happily says "(you're) welcome!"  When she gets in trouble, she looks down at the floor with a hilarious (kind of sad, kind of smirking) look on her face.  It generally makes me laugh, which defeats the purpose of trying to teach her a lesson about good behavior.  She's putting words into little 2-3 word phrases all the time, which is awesome.  Current obsessions are coloring (markers are the preferred medium these days), Dora the Explorer (will sit still for it like Baby Einstein), and our keyboard "piano."

Today marks three weeks to the due date of Baby Bambino.  We'll see when the baby actually decides to come...  Everything is slightly different since we can't just pick up and run to the hospital now that Alexa is around, so we're trying to plan ahead and have people on hand to watch her at a moment's notice.  I spent ALL day last Saturday making meals, and we now have a freezer full of them to hopefully last several weeks.  I have had a lot more heartburn these last few weeks than I ever did with Alexa, and I've definitely been hungrier this time around.  Kyle put a foam pad on my side of the bed, which has helped considerably to sleep better, though I'm kind of at the point now that nothing really helps a ton.  But for the last couple months, that foam was a lifesaver.  Our bed looks funny because I'm a few inches higher up than Kyle, and he has this little space just big enough for him to lie on his back before the bed raises up to my side.  He's so good to me.

I'm now going to the doctor once a week, and thankfully (sarcastic if you can't tell) I get to wear a paper sheet with Alexa climbing around on my lap.  This week she wreaked major havoc on my little sheet--every move she made ripped a new hole, and by the time the doctor actually came in I was barely holding it together between the shreds.  Lovely.  Kyle and I were just saying that we need to really get on top of prepping for this little baby coming soon.  With Alexa we were really good about doing all our exercises to do natural birth prep, taking essential oils to help prep the body, etc. etc. And we are totally behind and just talk about doing the same stuff rather than actually getting up off our butts and doing them...
Taken today (37 weeks)
I went up and visited Grandma Sweeny this week and attempted to take down her outdoor Christmas lights, but I'm pretty sure that I broke all of them because they were one with the rain gutters full of ice.  Pulling them down only made them snap in half :(.  I should have waited until April....Anyway, came inside for lunch and Grandma and I had Meals on Wheels.  I felt like I was initiated into the old people's club.

It's been a cold winter this year, especially compared to the mild one last year.  When we got back from Indiana, the poor Sentra was icicled to the driveway (see picture below) in various spots and wouldn't start for its life.  We got a new battery that had more cold crank amps and it has been ok since.  I talked to my parents in Hawaii last week, and it was currently "4 degrees but felt like -11" here (Source: Weather Channel iPhone app).  Hawaii: high of 79 degrees, and they were complaining that it was cooler and somewhat overcast.  So sad for them, really.

wearing my gloves :)


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