We were so happy to have Marmie and Grandpa fly out for the Swingle Christmas party. Emily is the best party planner of all time and had really fun games, prizes, and yummy treats despite her whole family being sick. Craig and Chelsea gave us a fun Christmas lantern aquarium pass for Christmas and it was amazing! They had entire habitats full of lantern animals from all over the world. Tyler and Alexa had their violin Christmas recital at a local care facility, which was such a great idea on their teacher's part. Sadly, I had to join via FaceTime because I was out of town. But they did great! We were excited to hear Ian Beagley play viola on Temple Square. He and Alexa also put together another amazing family recital. It gets better every year! Ian played viola; Alexa played violin and sang; Tyler played violin; and Tad, Liam, Lincoln, and Sawyer played the piano. One of my best friends from high school, Katie Cutr...