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August 2021 - Nathan is 1!

Alexa, Tyler, and Tad have all started soccer.  This is Tad's first year (finally old enough) and he is loving it. He scored 3 goals in his first game! Another kid on his team started kicking the ball towards the other goal (you know, because they're all 5) and Tad chased him screaming at the top of his lungs, "That's the wrong way! Stop! Stopppp!! Turn around!"  They had a break shortly thereafter and the coach pulled that kid aside to quietly remind him which way to go and Tad ran over to their private conversation and wanted to make sure the coach knew he tried to get the kid to stop haha.  He feels all the strong feelings about soccer.  And pretty much everything else in life. Kyle started an incentive during baseball season that if the kids get a hit they get a slurpie, so now in soccer if they get a goal they earn a slurpie, too. Tad is sufficiently motivated to say the least. 

Alexa and Tyler are currently really into rollerblading.  It's the cool thing to do with friends after school.  They're blown away that Kyle and I know how to rollerblade and that we did it as kids, too.  He and I went to a skate park for our one-on-one date this month.  If he's not rollerblading Tyler is busy trading Pokemon cards.  

Baby Nathan started walking and was starting to take several steps over a week or two but then stopped and decided crawling is the way to go.  He turned 1 and he is so much fun!  He has the brightest blue eyes, is still HUGE, loves to dance to Bluey and Raining tacos, laugh at his brothers (mostly Tad), and eat all the things.  He gets into everything and loves to unload the dishwasher and climb on top of the kitchen table.  Alexa and Tad wanted to decorate his strawberry birthday cake, so they did the frosting and added lots of sprinkles and blueberries :).  We got him a baby swing and he looooves it.  We all take turns pushing him and he's in heaven.  At 12 months he is 27 lbs (98%), 34 inches (100%), and his head is 48 cm (94%).  

Video of Nathan dancing to Raining Tacos:
The kids took Nathan around the house as "King Baby:"

The kids are back in school.  Alexa is in 5th, Tyler in 3rd, Tad is with the big kids in kindergarten, and Liam started preschool.  I thought Liam would have a massive breakdown but he walked right in and said "Bye, Mom!" with an excited smile.  I miss all the fun and play of summer, but it's nice to get back into a routine.  The one negative is that Tad is in afternoon kindergarten and Liam in morning preschool, so they miss having a buddy to play with. 

I tried surfing behind a boat for the first time and it was really fun!  It was a new experience with our sales team from work.  I was pleasantly surprised to get up on the first try but I definitely had a few epic wipeouts after that.

Kyle and I went on a date and Todd and Melissa stayed with the kids.  They held boxing mania while we were gone.  Videos linked below--

Kyle made a deal with Alexa and Tyler that if they each read 5,000 pages over the summer we would take them to Lagoon.  They did not disappoint and we had a blast spending the last day of summer there together.

Other shenanigans:

Kyle had fun getting special sets of Duplos and Legos and then building them with each kid for their one-on-one dates this month, Tad and Liam got to see Paw Patrol at the movie theater, Liam threw up at the Ludlow BBQ because he was spinning too fast in a swing, we had fun walking and biking on the Jordan River trail, and we rented a mini excavator to dig up our yard and start running utilities to the outbuilding.  We had to do a public notice and hearing with City Council and it all went well so now we have the green light from Lehi City to move forward on turning our outbuilding into a secondary dwelling.


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