We also had tons of fun with the Sweeny family who came to visit in July! Mom got here first, followed by Ben and Maria a couple days later, and then Whitney the next day for a few hours. Anne and Jason drove out a couple days after that. We played LOTS and loved it! Again, we took scooter rides, played with Roxy (who Roan hated!), played Kinect, went swimming, did hikes, went to the Dinosaur Museum and Animal Farm at Thanksgiving Point, played at the park by our house, went mini-golfing, played tennis, and probably lots of other stuff I'm forgetting. We miss these fun aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins and wish we could play together WAAAY more often. Alexa keeps asking for them! And it was cute that she kept asking for Grandpa because Grandma was here without him.
Random story--we took the kids mini golfing like I mentioned previously, and they were so excited because they closed down all of the courses nearby in Indiana. Corbin was a natural and picked it up really fast. I don't think that they had seen black lights before either (they have them on the indoor course we did), and Wylah was excited to see what glowed. I was explaining that anything white glows--even your teeth--and she said, "I wonder if my skin will glow?!?!" It made me laugh really hard.
love these kids! |
The Farm at Thanksgiving Point |
Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point |
Anne & Tyler |
Poor Corbin -- the girls stuck together for sure. |
Grandma putting Tyler to sleep on the swing at Diane's cabin |
We wanted to take a picture of Alexa and Roan standing next to each other since they're only 4 months apart, but neither one was in the mood for a photo. |
Tyler admiring his Uncle Ben |
We got to meet a baby goat at the farm |
Kyle loved that he nibbled on his shorts because he was teething |
happy girl riding a pony! |
hike to Bridal Veil falls |
Alexa loves, loves, loves her cousin Maria |
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