Most of you saw the Walgreen's story I put on Facebook. I went through the pharmacy drive through with the kids and Alexa thought I was getting food, so she insisted that I get her some fries :). I explained to her that I was getting medicine, but when they handed me a white paper bag she thought I secretly got food and was even more insistent. It made me laugh. Really hard.
She's on a Lion King kick lately, and here's a picture below of her watching it with her "Simba lion" who is really a thrift store lion with the coolest fro I've ever seen on a stuffed animal. Also, we were reading a Hercules book one day after watching Lion King and she screamed "PUMBA!!!" when she saw Phil, the satyr. Last but not least, we were having a Family Home Evening lesson about Noah's ark last week, and she excitedly pointed to "Simba!!" (a lion next to Noah) and "hyenas!!!" (goats next to the lion).
Kyle was feeding her dinner the other night and she turned to him and said "two more bites" all matter of fact like she made the rules and that was how it is. Needless to say, he laughed and she had more than two more bites.
She says fun phrases all the time now. On Saturday we were driving in the car and she randomly said "ice cream for everyone!!" I had no idea where it came from, but I said, "that's a fantastic idea!" Kyle, as Cub Scout Master, was in charge of the Pinewood Derby last month. She was his professional assistant and would excitedly say "1,2,3, go!" to start each race. She loved it, and so did all of the other adults there.
Last night at dinner we were having green beans. She saw Kyle pull them out of the microwave and said "zucchini!!" Kyle said, "no, these are green beans." Alexa: "green beanies!!"
Last Alexa story. She threw up ALL OVER Kyle in sacrament meeting a couple weeks ago. Projectile style. The first speaker got up and Tyler started getting fussy so I handed Alexa to Kyle and she immediately threw up everywhere on him (whew, I dodged a bullet there). We both just kind of stared at each other for a minute--shocked and dumbfounded. The mom of the family sitting behind us immediately started passing gum out to her kids and said "it's ok, kids. It's alright. Just chew your gum and breathe through your mouth." And I talked to the other counselor in the primary after to tell her I was leaving and wouldn't be in primary and she said, "yeah, we could hear Alexa all the way over here on the other side of the room." Yumm. She was fine the rest of the day, so we're not sure what that was all about or if she ate something that just didn't quite agree with her...? Needless to say, we left right away and hosed Alexa and Kyle down.
At 2.5 months, Tyler usually sleeps from about 7 or 8pm to 2am, and then still wakes up every 3 hours. He is getting more and more smiley, and we love cuddling with this cute, chill little boy! His hair is kind of red in the sun light, so I'm curious to see what color it grows in as.
Kyle was made Vice President of our Home Owners Association, so we're brainstorming good ways to improve the neighborhood this summer! He'll be great.
Fun sibling pics:
Alexa trying to play peek-a-boo with Tyler in their penguin PJs |
He started crying so she started to pat him and said "don't cry, Tyler. It's ok!" |
first ride in our double stroller! Thanks, Anne!! |
Right when I went to take a picture of her holding him they both started crying. Look at those big blue eyes. And again, matching PJs! |
She loves all the dandelions at the park |
Love this boy's faces!
You can't contain me!! |
Happy 3 month birthday! |
Marmie (Grandma Swingle) gave him a dinosaur puppet, which I thought he wouldn't care about for another couple months, but Kyle set it next to him and he grabbed it right away, smiled, and wouldn't let go. Cutest thing I've ever seen!!!!!! |
Ready for church! |
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