So, I figured we should write out the crazy story of this little boy. Nothing like Alexa's by the way, except for the fact that pushing didn't take long. With Alexa, I was 3cm for three weeks and 80% effaced by the third week, my water broke, I had crazy gangbuster contractions for 2.5 hours, pushed for a half hour, and she was out. With Tyler, I had painful contractions for days. I hardly slept Tuesday night because they were at least every 5 minutes for about 3 hours, and so painful that I really had to focus and breathe through them. They tapered off by like 5 am, but were still really painful though less frequent. Contractions continued Wednesday and Thursday, painful but inconsistent. At my doctor's appointment Thursday morning, I was 5cm and fully effaced, so we knew the baby would come fast. The doctor said to just come right away when my water broke. Good plan. By Friday morning, I was really sick of all the painful c...