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Showing posts from November, 2018

September 2018 - House Demolition

I think a good summary of our life right now is the fact that Kyle fell asleep in the carpool line at the kids' school.  Alexa knocked on the window and woke him up :).  Adulting is exhausting. We are making good progress on the house, lots of demolition.  There was a good amount of tile all over the main level, which was excruciating to get out, even with our neighbor's hammer drill and trailer. We have discovered lots of good trails around the Jordan River close to our house.  Tyler loves taking Leroy on walks.  And when I say walk they run the whole way.  Here's a video snapshot.

August 2018 - Visitors, Dinosaurs, and Bunnies

When we read scriptures together at night Tad repeats Kyle or I.  However, he has started adding stuff on his own.  Very randomly.  And it's hilarious.  For example, Kyle or I will say "And it came to pass.." and Tad will say, "and it came to pass snakes" or "and it came to pass pancakes."  It's seamless, no break in between the words like he's thinking of something to throw in there.  And with a completely straight face.  He does it all the time!  I don't know where he gets this stuff from. Tad loves Coco and he is often found singing and/or playing guitar to Liam.  His favorite song right now is Twinkle Twinkle Little Moon.  Here's a darling video capturing one of his jam sessions.  I love how he starts and ends the song with hugs. We had lots of wonderful guests come through our construction zone house this month, including Marmie and Grandpa Swingle, Todd and Melissa, Brendan and Whitney, and Richy and Megan. We also hoste...