It got up to the 90s here in mid May, so we decided to turn on the swamp cooler. That was a mistake. Kyle hooked everything back up again and turned on the water to it and we assumed that life was good. I put the kids to bed and started doing dishes. All the sudden water started spraying me and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Eventually, I discovered that the source was water coming down through the ceiling fan across the room (which was on) and being thrown across the room by the fan. I figured that water coming down through the fan was probably a bad thing, so I ran outside to tell Kyle to turn the water off. He did, and then climbed up in the attic to see the damage. A pipe had burst in our attic leading to the swamp cooler. Bummer. We figured he would just replace it in the next few days and we'd wait to use the swamp cooler until then. Second mistake. Apparently, in that brief time (half hour ma...